Hebrews Chapter Two



1. So it is necessary for us to embrace the truth that we have heard with everything that is within us and not to lose hold of how to apply it to our lives.

2. The former decrees from God that were communicated through angels (Gal 3:19) were resolute and binding and any rebellion or disobedience to them was severely dealt with. (Deut 33:2).

3. So what chance have we got of escaping the consequences of being indifferent to the Lord’s mighty life saving and life giving message. Those that heard him share it directly have confirmed the truth of what he said.

4. And God has confirmed their words by demonstrating the evidence of signs and wonders and all kinds of miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit when and how he chose to do so.

5. God has not placed angels in charge of the eternal world that is now in process of coming to pass, and which is the one that we are talking about.

6. Someone wrote in Scripture the words, ‘What is man that you pay so much attention to him, or the son of man, that you would come and be with him?’

7. You created him of a lower spiritual order than angels, and yet now you have given him a crown of glory and honor and placed him in supreme authority over everything that is yours.

8. He is in control of everything. There is nothing that exists outside the scope of his dominion. But when we look at the apparent disorder of things it does not seem that everything is conforming to this rule.

9. But Jesus is there to be seen by all, created of a lower spiritual order than angels, so that he could suffer and die as a man and then receive his crown of glory and honor - and through the great goodness of God, to digest the poison of fearful death for all of humanity.

10. It was the most noble and upright thing for him to do, the one to whom everything belongs, and through whom everything was created. It was so that he could bring a whole family of his human brothers and sisters into the same place of recognition and standing that he has himself. The pioneer of a whole new and perfect way of living had to voluntarily live the paradox of human suffering.

11. Because the one who is devoted to doing this for us and those for whom it is being done are all part of the same family of mankind. So he is happy to call us his brothers and sisters.

12. He said to his Father ‘I will talk about who you really are to my brothers and sisters. In church I will be singing praise to you along with the rest of them.’

13. He also said ‘I will trust Father God totally’. He also said ‘Look at me and the huge family of brothers and sisters Father has given me.’

14. That family of brothers and sisters had always shared a flesh and blood existence of mortality, so he took on the exact same mortal existence. That way he used death victoriously, destroying the one that uses death to hold power over us – the devil.

15. He set us free from that fearful prison of mortal existence – the torment of being afraid to die.

16. He did not choose to take on the immortal existence of angels. He allowed his human lineage to be traced back to Abraham.

17. He placed himself under the full obligation of being no different to his human brothers and sisters, so that he could feel compassion for us and be the most faithful kind of high priest that represented us to God and God to us. He absorbed the sum total of the sin and weakness of all of humanity.

18. The fact that he has gone through the pain of life and all its trials means that he is able to show us he fully understands how we feel when the pain of our trials happens to us.

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