2Corinthians Chapter Two


In chapter two Paul revisits an issue that he addressed in his first letter, in chapter five, where he instructed the church to discipline a man who had been committing adultery with his own stepmother. They applied the discipline, handing the man over to Satan to be dealt with by whatever physical and emotional consequences this would have, in order that he would come to his senses and be restored spiritually. Paul now believes that the discipline has been adequate and that the church should forgive that man and restore him into fellowship. The compelling reason he gives for this is stated in verse 11; ‘This so that Satan cannot get any leverage out of the situation, for we know well what his strategies are.’ The reason for his concern is that he sees the strategy of Satan as being to minimize the work of Jesus, and to make the consciousness of sin and judgment greater than the power of Christ’s love and forgiveness.

Paul was always lifting people out of the sea of their past mistakes into an eternal NOW perspective which is where God dwells, and where he makes every moment for us a new beginning. He concludes the chapter on a victory note with a personal testimony in verses 14-16; ‘14. I am so grateful to God who always involves us in the victory march of Christ and creates an atmosphere of the reality of who he is through us everywhere we go.

15. Because under God we release that atmosphere of who Christ is to those who are being saved, and to those who don’t care about being saved.

16. To those who don’t care we create an atmosphere of death and meaninglessness, and to the others we create an atmosphere of life and vitality and meaning. And who are we, to be used by God in such a way as this?’

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1. I decided that I would not come to you with a heart of grief again

2. Because if I cause you grief can I expect that I will be made glad by the same people that I cause to grieve?

3. I am writing this so that when I do come I won’t be made to feel grief from those with whom I want to share joy, because I believe that I can share my joy with all of you

4. Because it was with much grief and distress in my heart and with many tears that I wrote to you before, not so that you would also get distressed, but that you would understand the deep love I have for you.

5. But if anyone has caused you any grief he has not caused much to me, because I do not want to put any more pressure on you.

6. The discipline that many of you imposed upon this man has been sufficient to have its proper effect.

7. So that now you should act on the contrary and forgive him and reassure and encourage him so that he doesn’t drown in a sea of  grief and depression.

8. So I encourage you strongly to confirm your love to him.

9. This also why I wrote to you, to be certain that you would listen to the things I say to you, and do them.

10. So anything you forgive anyone I also forgive them, and it is for your sakes that I have forgiven them, sharing in the forgiveness of Christ himself.

11. This so that Satan cannot get any leverage out of the situation, for we know well what his strategies are.

12. I also want to tell you that when I came to Troas to preach the message of Christ that The Lord opened a door for me to do so.

13. But I was distressed in my spirit because I could not find my dear brother Titus, so I said goodbye to them and went from there to Macedonia.

14. I am so grateful to God who always involves us in the victory march of Christ and creates an atmosphere of the reality of who he is through us everywhere we go.

15. Because under God we release that atmosphere of who Christ is to those who are being saved, and to those who don’t care about being saved.

16. To those who don’t care we create an atmosphere of death and meaninglessness, and to the others we create an atmosphere of life and vitality and meaning. And who are we, to be used by God in such a way as this?

17. For we are not like many others who corrupt the ministry of God’s Word, but we know what we mean about God and we mean what we say about him, and we speak before God, out of a life shared with Christ. 

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